viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

Arctic Monkeys - Suck it and See


Origins: Sheffield, England 
They play since: 2002 
Other Discs: Whatever People Says I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006), Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007), Humbug (2009)

Disc Review:
 The last album of the Arctic Monkeys, the english band that has built a great success the last half of decade.

 The album has a great difference with Humbug, wich had a darker ambient, and more dark lyrics. This one, instead, is more happy, with soft ballads, and more sweet lyrics.
 This album is a proove that the band has make a change through the years, starting with loud and full of distortion songs in "Whatever People Says I Am, That's What I'm Not", using more technical riffs on "Favourite Worst Nightmare", coming through a dark step in "Humbug", and finally achieving this kind of "swing" style. A proove of this is "Piledriver Waltz" the track that Alex Turner wrote for the movie "Submarine" and the band recorded for this cd.

 In resume, the disc is great, showing the multiple faces of this great band, that promises to keep this fantastic progress, and stills winning listeners from all over the world.

Released: 6 june 2011
Download Link: singing a reckless serenate, a reckless serenatee

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